
Dating - Still Important After the Ceremony

It is human nature to become complacent and to take life for granted when things are going smoothly. In relationships, the honeymoon eventually fades into the background and the complexities of daily life take hold. It is because of those daily complexities that continuing to date each other regularly is important.

Creating a habit of spending quality time together without the kids and the cell phone is one of the best ways for couples to refresh their feelings for each other and to re-ignite the spark between them. Too often couples rationalize that their relationship doesn't need "refreshing," or that they just can't arrange the time or the money that dating would incur. But ask someone in an already troubled relationship if it would have been worth the effort, time and money to maintain a happy relationship and they will likely tell you "yes."

It is easy to look back on a troubled relationship and see what you could have done differently, but it is very hard to see the beginnings of disengagement. To get you through the difficult times, and to help prevent them, it is important to create habits of re-establishing your love for one another on a regular basis.

Make dating once a week a regular part of your life schedule. If money is an issue, be creative and plan events that are inexpensive or free. Even if you just go for a drive or go to a mall and share a milkshake while you watch people go by, the time spent together will be what you remember, not how much money you spent.

Here is an article that will give you some great ideas for fun and inexpensive dates.

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