
To The Rescue - Defending your Mate

Scene in a restaurant:

A mother scolds her six-year-old son for hitting his his brother. The boy turns to his mother and yells "That's stupid!" The father instantly turns to the six-year-old, looks the boy in the eyes and says, "You are disrespecting the woman I love. I don't ever want to hear you yell at her again."

It is no coincidence that as the level of respect for adult authority drops in our society, the levels of elder abuse and domestic crimes go up. Likewise, the stronger and more unified the parental unit is, the happier children are in the home environment. These are not unsubstantiated statements, they are fact.

One of the best ways to state the power of your love for your spouse is to come to their defense when you hear someone speaking disrespectfully to them or attempting to take liberties with them. It is in fact your duty to protect your spouse, physically, spiritually and emotionally from any form of attack. This doesn't infer that you believe that they are not capable of protecting themselves, it is instead, setting boundaries for your children and the world that implies that you will not tolerate abuse of any kind toward your loved ones.

Your children, and even your friends and extended family will learn that you expect them to conduct themselves respectfully toward your loved ones. Consequently, your children will begin to learn empathy for others as well as the value of a loving relationship. And everyone else will learn that they cannot come between you and your spouse.

Be an example of love and respect to the ones who mean the most to you.

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