
Emotional Needs and Relationships

All people have emotional needs, and in an intimate relationship meeting each other's most important emotional needs is paramount if you are to develop a fulfilling companionship.

Years of interviews have shown that there are 10 emotional needs that are typically the most important in a marriage: admiration, affection, conversation, domestic support, family commitment, financial support, honesty and openness, physical attractiveness, recreational companionship and sexual fulfillment.

Funny thing though, when asked to list these needs in order of priority men almost always list them one way while women list them the opposite way. Is it any wonder then that couples grow apart? We tend to do for the other what we think is most important, and that is rarely what is most important to our partner. We just keep missing the mark, and we get frustrated because we don't understand why.

So if you really want to make a positive difference in your marriage, ask your partner to list his or her emotional needs in order of priority. Then keep that list close at hand so that you can do your part to make sure their most important needs are met.

Marriage is about pleasing each other and creating a happy union. Too often we become selfish and begin to complain that our needs aren't being met. We forget that our partner has needs too. So get back on track by doing this simple exercise and your marriage and your level of happiness is bound to improve.

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